Guest Post: Life Coaching, Life Transforming

I have been working with Chriszean, a remarkably determined teenager from Philippines for more than 3 months. I was impressed by the quality of his work and the level of determination he displayed, so I asked him to write a guest blog-post. Here it is:

“It’s been more than a hundred days since a new chapter of my life has emerged, and my life has been completely transformed. Deciding to open and read a very powerful inspirational and motivational book is one thing that marked the beginning of my life transformation, and I firmly believe that is an essential part of God’s great plan for my life, for it has helped me to a great extent in my personal development, self-improvement, and my overall well-being. During these moments, I’ve decided to navigate through my inner self on a deeper level through the help of life coaching where I discovered and explored some of my life goals such as becoming the best version of myself and living my life to the fullest as well as gaining clarity on my massive transformative life purpose which is living to glorify God and bringing hope to the world. Besides, I’ve also established some gigantic goals that helped me to avoid settling for good enough, but always aiming for the best.

This article includes a summary of the various essential key takeaways that every coaching session unfolds.

Effective and Efficient Time Management

Time management is a challenge to almost everyone. With too much to do and too little time to do everything you want to do, we usually experience stress levels soaring. We all need to fulfill our responsibilities, but there is a time for everything, and the use of effective and efficient time management strategies such as prioritizing, overcoming overthinking, and even allowing yourself to have enough time to rest, play a fundamental role in helping you perform better in daily activities and tasks, avoid burnout, and achieve more balance in life.

Fear Management

Many people encounter self-limiting beliefs and self-doubt as major obstacles or roadblocks that hinder them from pursuing their goals and desires and strive for the pinnacle of success. Feeling a sense of fear is perfectly natural, for our minds are programmed to have a fight or flight response. Fear is extremely powerful, and it can affect a person both positively and negatively, and can be used to our advantage for it can help us feel more motivated in achieving our goals in a way that we feel a sense of achievement, fulfillment, and satisfaction once we achieved this certain goal that we are constantly aiming for. Fear can make our journey towards our goals more exciting and thrilling, but not to the point that we’ll feel agitation and apprehension, similar to riding an extreme ride on an amusement park. It might be challenging to manage feelings of fear and self-doubt, but I firmly believe the famous quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson that the only person we are destined to become is the person we decide to be, thus we should control our emotions, and never let our emotions control us. We are the captain of our ship and the master of our fate. We can create a life that we want. We can’t choose our external circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond.

Profound Secrets in Living Life to the Fullest

What is life? We might not have similar answers to that question, but in my personal opinion, life is God’s greatest gift! We live not only for the sake of living, but we live for a purpose. I firmly believe that everyone has a strong desire to live the life they want and live their lives to the fullest. Throughout the coaching series, I tried to navigate through some of the profound secrets in living life to the fullest.

1. Always have faith in God and believe in yourself.

Having a strong and unbreakable faith in God together with believing in your abilities and capabilities creates an enormously powerful instrument in battling, facing, and overcoming life’s challenges.

2. Don’t take life too seriously.

Learn to enjoy, and go with the flow rather than go against the flow.

3. Have the desire and willingness to achieve desired outcomes, but learn to embrace and enjoy the process at the same time.

It’s exceedingly necessary to avoid having our entire focus on the product, but rather enjoy the process which is a great way in developing a growth mindset for there is a wide range and variety of life lessons that we can learn from the process per se.

4. Use life’s challenges as stepping stones instead of obstacles.

There is always a brighter side that we must figure out, and keep our focus on. There are numerous and various blessings in disguise.

Fortifying Our Faith in God

Grit and determination are exceptionally powerful in building a sturdy foundation towards achieving and accomplishing goals and desires. As a person who always wants to achieve, the value for achievement and recognition is something natural to me. I’m highly inspired by successful people-because they maximized their time, to the point where I forget to remember the true definition and meaning of success which is not all about getting what you want but also becoming the person that God has called you to be. Every time I see some of my goals falling apart, I sometimes feel like it’s the end of the world, and I sometimes forget to remember to trust and believe in God and His great plans, plans to prosper us, and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future.

Keeping the Right Balance

Nearly everything in life requires a balance, and it’s very significant to maintain a well-balanced life.

1. Taking Control and Going with the Flow

Your life is very similar to a ship, and you are the captain. If you just go to where the waves take you, you might not reach your desired destination.

2. Achievement and Enjoyment

Achievement and enjoyment are two interconnected things, and it’s highly similar to balancing discipline and relaxation and even finding the right balance between work and rest.

3. Positive and Negative

Life portrays a mixture of positive and negative things. Positive things remind us to be grateful and thank God for everything that we have while negative things help us acknowledge God’s power in our lives.

4. Contentment and Discontentment

Contentment is considered an extremely essential key in achieving happiness in life. However, being too contented might pave the way to mediocrity, thus it’s important for us to learn the art of contentment and discontentment at the same time to keep searching for better and greater things.”

One of Chriszean’s goals is to write for a living, so please be so kind as to give him some feedback on his writting in the comments.

One Reply to “Guest Post: Life Coaching, Life Transforming”

  1. Hi Chriszean, I am inspired by your writing – it gave me a feeling of optimism, energy, hope and trust in life. It also created an image in my mind, that of eyes wide open. Congrats for this article and I wish you full speed ahead!
    Also, great work Paul for sharing Chriszean’s work with us.

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