Round Peak for teenagers- Balance: the secret to achievement and enjoyment

Teenagers want it all. And it’s normal. They should want it all.

At one point some them will start going after what they want. And they will realise that getting everything they want is not always possible and almost never easy.

Those that are grittier will keep going after what they want and invest their efforts in a dream- expecting to get a permanent sense of accomplishment when that dream comes true. More often than not they are disappointed by how fast this sense of accomplishment fades away.

The ones that are more tempted to go with the flow will jump from one dream to another, feeling accomplished whenever they have a new dream, but never actually bringing any dream into reality.


Eventually, as they mature they find out that the secret to enjoying life and achieving success is balancing these two attitudes.

Balance is something that is not taught in school and is rarely approched in extra-curricular activities. Balance between the amount of atttention we give to ourselves and others, to our inner life and our outer one, between intuition and judgement, between the aspects of our life situation that we need to accept and those we need to change. Essentially it’s balance between trusting ourselves and trusting life/the Universe/God.


The state of consciousness that allows us to develop this balance is called Presence. It is a state of consciousness where our mind becomes an instrument instead of the conductor. Where we are identified with something deeper than our ego/mind and use our mind in order to express that inner calling.

It is not an end goal in itself. It comes and goes throughout our lives and achieving it in different stages of our lives is a learning journey. We can think of it as a pair of glasses. It allows us to see clearly, but with time it gets dirty and needs to be taken off in order to be cleaned.

The earlier we start to train our Presence the easier it is, the more results it brings and the more motivation we will have to keep training.

This is why RoundPeak is a perfect match for teenagers looking to get a head start on life and become the best version of themselves while enjoying life in the fullest sense possible.

RoundPeak for teenagers

RoundPeak is a space that supports communities of people dedicated to accepting themselves as they are and using that state of consciousness to create measurable positive outcomes.

It enables teenagers to:

  1. Set ambitious but realistic goals
  2. Develop healthy autonomy
  3. Learn alongside others from practice rather than from theory
  4. Hold and be held accountable for their goals and ambitions

ultimately helping teenagers be present in their lives, enjoy the now and diligently work towards creating a better life for themselves and others.

Whether it’s achieving better academic results, being better in sports, having more fulfilling relationships, creating an entrepreneurial project, RoundPeak offers a space to constantly refine one’s method of… living.

To find out more about RoundPeak and checkout our website.

One Reply to “Round Peak for teenagers- Balance: the secret to achievement and enjoyment”

  1. interested in the presence he was talking about. A great way to give teenagers the opportunity they don t have in school.

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